
Ultracrepidarian- A person who is the habit of giving opinions and advice on matters outside of their own knowledge.

Saturday 6 October 2012

Toasted Crumpets and Warm Spiced Berries with Yogurt and Honey

Recipe Number 1

A simple and delicious solution to peckishness or a nice change for breakfast.

We saw this beauty on BBC's The Hairy Dieters (featuring the Hairy Bikers) and gave it a try. It's yummy! I'm not a fan of spices though, so we replaced them with some cinnamon powder.

Drooling yet? Haha...

Here's the link for the how to and other foodie genius! --> http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/toasted_crumpets_and_99702

And if the link wont work...


Preparation method

  1. Toast the crumpets in a toaster, or under the grill, until lightly browned.
  2. Put the yoghurt in a bowl and stir until it looks glossy.
  3. Place a non-stick frying pan over a medium-high heat and add all the fruit. Sprinkle with two good pinches of ground mixed spice and cook for just a minute, tossing regularly until the fruit is softened but still holding its shape. This will bring out the sweetness without the need to add extra sugar.
Divide the hot, toasted crumpets between two plates. Spoon the fruit over the top and allow some of it to tumble on to the plates. Spoon the yoghurt on top and drizzle with a little honey.

Thanks for reading!

Friday 5 October 2012


Hello and welcome to The Whispers of an Ultracrepidarian. For those of you wondering what 'ultracrepidarian' means, it is to offer advice or critique on a subject beyond your knowledge. I felt it was very fitting to this blog, as I will probably end up doing just that.

The initial purpose of this page is for me to put my experiences and discoveries out into the world; mainly along the subject of food and fitness. You see, at the start of 2012, my fiance, Jamie,and I decided enough is enough and changed our lives. We started eating healthier and exercising regularly. That's what a successful diet is; a lifestyle change. Not a few weeks or months of hardly eating, just to put everything back on again after. I realise that what I say on here isn't unheard of or new, and not even my ideas. Just thing that have worked for us and what I recommend, but I am by no means an expert. Maybe I'll even inspire someone, somewhere in the world, to do the same. It is rather easy...I've dropped 2 sizes on both top and bottom so far!
Anyway, here's how we did it:

-The most important thing is DON'T STARVE YOURSELF. Eat well and if you fancy something, have it. If you deny yourself all the time, you'll end up having a blow out and eating the contents of the fridge. However, don't give in all the time to your temptations. We have a 'treat day', where we get to have the things we love. That way we look forward to them and enjoy them more. And if it's on a day where it is allowed, you don't get that guilty feeling afterwards.

-Stop drinking fizzy drinks. Yes, even diet versions. The carbonated stuff, sugar or no, makes your guts feel bloated and heavy. I'm not going to be all cliche and tell you to drink water all the time. Find a squash you like or even pure fruit juice; it doesn't have to be sugar free, it's just miles better than the fizzy stuff.

-If you're a big coffee/tea drinker, try a little less milk or taking it with no milk at all. Reduce the sugar you add too, if you like it sweet. I personally wouldn't recommend those 0 calorie sweeteners; they taste bad and can contain nasty things, but each to their own!

-Measure your cereal in the mornings. I know there's nothing better than a big bowl to start the day, but it's all about portioning. It should say on the box about nutritional intake, for example, 112cals per 30g. So measure out the amount it says on the box. If your hungry after remember that it will take a wee while to settle there, but if you need something more try fruit or fat free yogurt (we like Muller Light). If you're always hungry after add another 10 grams and try that.

-Cut the snacks. Crisps, chocolate, cakes...save them for treat day! Trust me, they taste better then :)

-Exercise. Maybe you already exercise or lead an active lifestyle through your job, maybe you don't. We use the Wii...not WiiFit but Active 2 (http://www.ea.com/ea-sports-active-2) and Just Dance. I know not everyone has a Wii, but the exercises on Active 2 are easy enough with a resistance band or weights and just using you body- lunges and crunches etc. We also go for the occasional walk (weather dependent!), the gym now and again, and we have some home gym stuff too. I'll do another post regarding exercise stuff soon! But it's good to figure out a routine that you're comfortable with and suits your lifestyle.


I think that's about it. The pounds just melt off week by week. It's not going to be a dramatic, lose 2 stone in 2 weeks idea, but a gradual effect. Which is better because it gives your skin time to adjust, meaning you wont end up with saggy bits!
I'll add any bits that I've (probably) forgotten, and keep a look out for yummy recipes, exercise tips and things like that.

I hope you've enjoyed it and will maybe pop by again soon!
Take care everyone :)